dilluns, 23 de desembre del 2024


Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4526

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

diumenge, 22 de desembre del 2024

Butlletins del Club Escacs Tarragona 54 (3)

Pàgina 3 del "Boletín de Información del Club Ajedrez Tarragona" núm. 54 publicat el mes d'agost de 1956. 

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4525

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dissabte, 21 de desembre del 2024

Base Partides 51 - 2024

Col·laboració en format Chess Base d'algunes partides publicades a la xarxa els darrers 7 dies.

Base Partides 51 - 2024

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4524

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

divendres, 20 de desembre del 2024

Consulta Semanal 227

Article d'escacs  d'Héctor B. Kuperman publicat a la revista Consulta Semanal.

ICCF Cuban Tropical Sun 2025

The Cuban Correspondence Chess Federation (FECAP) are pleased to announce an International Tournament. Correspondence chess players from all countries are warmly invited to participate in the "Cuban Tropical Sun 2025 International Open Tournament"

The Tournament will be played in a single phase using 1/25 ICCF rating list with 4 sections:

Section A for players with rating 2400 or higher

Section B for players with rating 2300 – 2399

Section C for players with rating between 2000 – 2299

Section D for players with rating 1999 or lower

The tournament will be played on the ICCF server at triple block time control with an appropriate tournament duration according to the average rating of each group: 350 days event, with 50 days initial bank and 1 day increment for the first 50 moves is used.

The tournament will be rated and valid to obtain the norms for ICCF titles in groups that meet all the conditions required by the ICCF.

Registered players grouped by rating will be allocated to groups of 11, 13 or 15 players in ranking order grom higher to lower, so that all group members have a similar rating. The number of groups will depend on the number of registrations. Up to 2 registrations will be allowed, with the second registration the player will be paired in the group following the first group 

The start date of the tournament is March 30, 2025.


The registrations and the payment of the fees for Cuban Tropical Sun International Tournament 2025 must be done by the DE system in the server of the ICCF opening the menu Cuba in New Events.

The registration fee is 9 €.

Inscriptions must be received no later than March 10, 2024.


This tournament will award certificates to the top 3 in each group. The tiebreaker system will be: 1. Baumbach, 2. Sonnenborn-Berger, 3. the results of the players tied with each other and 4. the lowest rating at the start of the tournament.

Amici Sumus,

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4523

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dijous, 19 de desembre del 2024

Àlbum (292)

2011 Campionat de Catalunya per edats.

2nd Dimitar Karapchanski Memorial - Bulgarian International Open

Bulgarian CCA is delighted to announce the 2nd Dimitar Karapchanski Memorial

The tournament is played in the Silli system (10 games) on the ICCF server.

It is organized for player Elo 0-2750 rating group (two sections per player  )

all player entries (max. 2 per player) will be sorted according to the player's elo on the list 2025-1 as of 1 January 2025 in this grupps

Entry Link:  https://www.iccf.com/EventEntry.aspx?id=107649

2 groups A and A-1: players 2500 – 2750 ELO
2 groups B and B-1: players 2450 – 2499 ELO
2 groups C and C-1: players 2400 – 2449 ELO
2 groups D and D-1: players 2300 – 2399 ELO
2 groups E and E-1: players 2150 – 2299 ELO
2 groups F and F-1: players 1900 – 2149 ELO
2 groups G and G-1: players 0 – 1899 ELO.

In practice, this means that each player can play 2 sections!!

Tournament description:

ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days is used.
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven piece tablebase.
The event will be rated and if the criteria are met, it will be possible to achieve ICCF title norms.
Tie -breaking: if a tie persists after the standard tie-breaking procedures (para a-e), the order is determined by the higher rating (fixed or unfixed) in previous ranting lists (before the end of the tournament) until broken.
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games after 10 games are finished in the event. and games are finished.
The public can see the games after 10 games are finished in the event and games are finished.
The tournament will start on 25.01.2025. There is no end date.
TO/TD: Matjaz Pirs and IA Simeon Vinchev


The tournament is open to all players.

All entries have to go through the DE system on the ICCF server by opening Bulgaria menu in New Events . Entries cannot be sent via email!

Entry fee for Direct Entry system is 9.00 Euro (in the case of NF Entries, this is the responsibility of NF).

The ICCF rating as of January 1, 2025 (Ranking List 2025/1) is binding.

Closing date for Direct Entry is January 17, 2025.

Closing date for NF entries is January 15, 2025.


Electronic certificates will be awarded for the first 10 places.

Amici Sumus,

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4522

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dimecres, 18 de desembre del 2024



Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4521

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dimarts, 17 de desembre del 2024

Humor (290)

Acudit publicat al número 1336 de la revista Papitu el 17 d'octubre de 1934.

ICCF First England International Triple Block Open

The English Federation for Correspondence Chess (EFCC) is pleased to announce the First England International Triple Block Open. England cordially invites correspondence chess players from all countries to participate in this tournament.


All entries may be made by Direct Entry (go to 'New events' 'England') or through a player's National Federation. Entries are not permitted by email.

Each player may enter a maximum of two groups. Players making a second entry will be placed in the group immediately after their first group where possible.

The closing date for entries is 20th May 2025. Pairings will be issued as soon as possible after that date 

The official start date is 20th June 2025.

Entry fee

The entry fee is 9.00 Euros by Direct Entry for each entry. Each National Federation can specify their own entry fee.


All ICCF rules shall apply to all games. If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.


Registered players will be grouped by rating using the ICCF 2025/2 rating list. Players will be placed in groups of 11, 13, or 15 players in rating order so that all group members have as similar a rating as possible.

Time control

The event will be played in one stage on the ICCF server with each group being played using the Triple Block time control with a tournament duration of 350 days. No guaranteed time will be available after move 50.

Rating and Norms

All groups will be rated. Norms for ICCF titles will be available in all groups that meet the criteria required by the ICCF.


No prize money is being offered. Certificates for the top three players in each group will be available subject to those players obtaining a positive score. The tiebreaker system for tied players will be: 1. Baumbach; 2. Sonneborn-Berger; 3. the results of the players tied with each other; 4. the lowest rating of the tied players in the group at the start of the tournament.

All chess players are heartily invited to enter this event, both for the enjoyment of games and for friendly contact/communication with players around the world.

Countries are kindly asked to give the event wide publicity to their players, and to forward entries as soon as they receive them. Thank you.

Amici sumus.

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4520

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dilluns, 16 de desembre del 2024

"Peces" dels Escacs Tarragonins (51)

Retall de premsa publicat al Diari de Tarragona del dia 11 de gener de 1934. 

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4518

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

diumenge, 15 de desembre del 2024

Butlletins del Club Escacs Tarragona 54 (2)

Pàgina 2 del "Boletín de Información del Club Ajedrez Tarragona" núm. 54 publicat el mes d'agost de 1956. 

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4517

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dissabte, 14 de desembre del 2024

Base Partides 50 - 2024

Col·laboració en format Chess Base d'algunes partides publicades a la xarxa els darrers 7 dies.

Base Partides 50 - 2024

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4516

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

divendres, 13 de desembre del 2024

Consulta Semanal 222

Article d'escacs  d'Héctor B. Kuperman publicat a la revista Consulta Semanal.

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4515

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dijous, 12 de desembre del 2024

2024 Campionat Absolut Territorial de Tarragona

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4512

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.

dimecres, 11 de desembre del 2024

Sorteig definitiu de la Lliga Catalana 2025 - Divisions catalanes


Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4511

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dimarts, 10 de desembre del 2024

Copa Catalana – Fase Tarragona 2025

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4510

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dilluns, 9 de desembre del 2024

Campionat Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup C

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4509

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

diumenge, 8 de desembre del 2024

Butlletins del Club Escacs Tarragona 54 (1)

Pàgina 1 del "Boletín de Información del Club Ajedrez Tarragona" núm. 54 publicat el mes d'agost de 1956. 

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4508

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dissabte, 7 de desembre del 2024

Base Partides 49 - 2024

Col·laboració en format Chess Base d'algunes partides publicades a la xarxa els darrers 7 dies.

Base Partides 49 - 2024

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4507

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

divendres, 6 de desembre del 2024

Consulta Semanal 221

Article d'escacs  d'Héctor B. Kuperman publicat a la revista Consulta Semanal.

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4506

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dijous, 5 de desembre del 2024

Campionat Absolut Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup B


Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4505

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dimecres, 4 de desembre del 2024

Campionat Absolut Territorial de Tarragona 2024 Grup A

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4504

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dimarts, 3 de desembre del 2024

Humor (289)

Acudit publicat a la revista Europa Rochade núm. 8 el mes d'agost de 1994.

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4502

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2024

in memoriam

Diumenge ens va deixar en Manuel Cifuentes Bullich, jugador postal, soci i jugador del primer equip del Club durant molts anys. En pau reposi.

"Peces" dels Escacs Tarragonins (50)

Retall de premsa publicat al Diari de Tarragona del dia 20 de juny de 1976. 

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4501

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona. 

diumenge, 1 de desembre del 2024

Butlletins del Club Escacs Tarragona 53 (5)

"Boletín de Información del Club Ajedrez Tarragona" núm. 53 publicat el mes de juliol de 1956. 

Butlletí Club Escacs Tarragona 53

Problema de ajedrez La Vanguardia 4500

Problema de ajedrez de Román Torán publicat al Diari La Vanguardia de Barcelona.