divendres, 14 de març del 2025

2nd German Open BdF

BdF is pleased to announce the 2nd German Open tournament.

The tournament will be played in the Silli system (10 games) on the ICCF server.

It is organized for the Elo rating group of players from 0-2750 (two sections per player).

All player entries (max. 2 per player) will be sorted in this group according to the player's Elo on the 2025-2 list from April 1, 2025.

2 groups 01 and 02: players 2500 – 2750 ELO
2 groups 03 and 04: players 2450 – 2499 ELO
2 groups 05 and 06: players 2400 – 2449 ELO
2 groups 07 and 08: players 2300 – 2399 ELO
2 groups 09 and 10: players 2150 – 2299 ELO
2 groups 11 and 12: players 1900 – 2149 ELO
2 groups 13 and 14: players 0000 – 1899 ELO.

In practice this means that each player can play 2 tournaments!!

Tournament description:

The ICCF standard time control of 10 moves in 50 days with duplication after 20 days is used.
Each player is entitled to 45 days of vacation per year.
There is no special leave in this event.
Linear conditionals can be entered.
This tournament allows claims based on the seven-part tablebase.
The event is ranked and if the criteria are met, it is possible to achieve ICCF title norms.
Tie: If a tie still exists after the standard tie procedures (section a-e), the order will be determined by the higher rating (fixed or not fixed) in previous rankings (before the end of the tournament) until it is broken.
Arbiters will be selected by the server if necessary.

Other participants can see the games after 10 games have finished in the event.
The public can see the games after 10 games have finished in the event and the games have finished.

The tournament starts on 2025/04/30. There is no end date.
TO/TD: Manfred Scheiba and IA Michael Schirmer


The tournament is open to all players.

All registrations must be made via the DE system on the ICCF server by opening the German menu under New Events. Registrations cannot be sent by email!
The registration fee for the Direct Entry system is 8.50 euros (for NF registrations this is the responsibility of NF).

The ICCF elo of April 1, 2025 (ranking list 2025/2) is binding.

The registration deadline for DE is 2025 April 21
The registration deadline for NF entry is April 19, 2025.


The first 10 places will be awarded with electronic certificates.

Amici Sumus,
TO Manfred Scheiba